Benefits of Kybella: When and Why Patients Get This Treatment

Excessive fat underneath the chin that gives off the appearance of having a “double chin” can often be corrected with Kybella. This nonsurgical cosmetic chin enhancement procedure can reduce fat underneath the chin (also known as submental fat) and improve an individual’s chin profile.

How Kybella Works

Kybella is an injectable treatment that works by destroying fat cells underneath the chin. A board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Firouz administers a series of small injections to eliminate submental fat and tighten the area. Each treatment session can be completed in about 15 to 20 minutes, but time can vary depending on the number of injections that need to be given. For many patients, Kybella is administered over a six-month period with one treatment session per month. Receiving more than six treatments is not advised.

Ideal Candidates for Kybella Treatment

Men and women who are over the age of 18 and in good health will likely benefit from Kybella if they want a safe and effective way to reduce their submental fat. A person should also have realistic expectations regarding the results. Pregnant women and people with active infections or bleeding disorders are generally advised to postpone treatment. Kybella may also not be ideal for people who have scarring or stretched skin underneath the chin.

Possible Side Effects

Most patients respond well to Kybella, but serious reactions can occur. Some of the most common side effects include pain, swelling, bruising, numbness and redness around the injection sites that usually subside shortly after each treatment. Hardness may also be felt in the treatment area. Patients who have trouble swallowing, facial muscle weakness or an uneven smile that could indicate nerve damage should seek medical care. Open sores, hair loss and necrosis in the treatment area should also be brought to the attention of a health care provider.

Select a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Jimmy Firouz who is also a reconstructive surgeon, qualified to perform treatments much more complicated and delicate than Kybella treatment. Receive a consultation before your treatment begins to find out if this nonsurgical alternative is right for you.